
北京艺鼎传奇文化传播有限公司(Beijing Yiding Legend Culture Co.,Ltd),成立于2010年,是一家致力于中泰影视制作与发行的公司。总部在北京,通过北京、曼谷两地优秀团队建立起了辐射整个亚洲地区以及其他海外市场的电视台、新媒体、院线等的发行网络。

主要发起人张栋先生涉足影视行业十余载,先后将《爱在旅途》《铁石心肠》《小戏骨系列》《斗破苍穹》等数百部中泰电影、电视剧发行至 世界各地。艺鼎不但是泰国影视剧进入中国、东南亚的先驱,也是中文影视剧海外输出的重要渠道,与中国各大新媒体平台都建立了紧密的合作关系。由艺鼎发行的泰剧《丘比特的圈套》荣获安徽电视台2010年度最佳 引进剧奖,泰剧《爱在旅途》在2011年上海电视节获“海外引进剧特别奖”o

艺鼎传媒(ARTOP)从2013年起开始涉足投资和制作领域,先后投资拍摄中国电视剧《兄弟兄弟》(主演:斯琴高娃、陈建斌),《姐妹 姐妹》(主演:斯琴高娃、严屹宽),《芙蓉锦》(主演:何润东、袁姗姗) 以及《戴流苏耳环的少女》(主演:吴映洁、戴向宇)。

2018年开始,艺鼎传媒(ARTOP)储备了多部影视IP改编权,制 作并岀品了泰剧泰版《匆匆那年》(主演:Bank、Pattie)、泰版《我可 能不会爱你》(主演:Pae、Mo)《王子变形计》(主演:Son、Vill)等。

随着业务发展的需要,公司还涉及艺人经纪、活动策划、泰国协拍 和手游端游东南亚推广等影视产业链的上下游。邀请泰国当红艺人Bie Sukrit, Pae, Pong Nawat 3 Bee等到中国参加影视宣传活动,以及中国艺 人在泰国和韩国的活动,为亚洲文化的交流传播发挥了桥梁作用。

Artop International Co,Ltd(Abbreviation:ARTOP)was founded by Mr.Zhang Dong(Thai Name:Boonyo)at Hong Kongin 2009,followed by the foundation of Artop Media(Thailand)and Beijing Yiding Legend Culture. Artop has established the bridge between China-Thai culture and the overseas distribution network, including but not limited toTelevision,internet media and theater chain.

ThefounderZhang Donghas involved in the TV&film industry for more than a decadedistributed'Dok Ruk Rim TangHeart of Stone,StarTomorrow' series,'Fight Breaks Sphere' and other hundreds of Chinese & Thai TV series&filmsto the world.Artop is not only the intrduce to expand Tha films and TV series to Chinese mainland , but also an important channe for Chinese contents overseas output,furthermore,we have made a close relationship with major new media platforms.Artop distributed TV series The Magic of Cupid' has won 2010 The Best Oversea Drama Award from Anhui TV'Dok Ruk Rim Tangwon'The Best Foreign Imported Dramain2011 STVF.

Since2013,Artopalso has engaged in TV series Investment and Production. Invested Chinese series"Brothers""Sisters","FuRong Jin"and"A Girl with Tassel Earring".

In2018,Artop has reserved many IP adaptionsImvested and produced Thai versionFleet of Time(casts:Bank and Pattie), Thai version 'In Time With You(casts:Pae andMo),FrogPrince(castsSon&Vill)andmany more.

Artop has successfully introduced Thai Superstar such as Bie Sukrit,PaePong Nawatand Bee to participate in the TV shows,talk showsin China mainland;as well as introducing Chinese Stars to Thailand and Korea.Artop has played the role of the bridge for Asian cultural communication.